Infomedia or the Carrier manages the Checkout

Interact with the Infomedia APIs to generate a checkout URL to redirect a customer to. Either Infomedia or the Carrier will manage the billing and compliance messaging for all subscribers. Ability to perform refunds is available depending on the carrier network.

Acquisition Flow

The sequence diagram shows the steps and API methods required in order to validate a new customer and subscribe them into Infomedia's platform. The diagram depicts only the successful flow; error messages for each API method should be handled as documented in the individual method pages.


Breakdown of steps:

  • 1-3. Give the user the ability to provide their mobile number on the Partner platform and initiate a subscription transaction.

  • 4. Partner calls the GetCheckoutUrl API method to generate a URL for the customer to be redirect to. This includes Success and Error URLs that the customer will be returned to at the end of the flow.

  • 5. API response provided to Partner containing URL.

  • 6. Partner redirects the user to the provided URL.

  • 7-9. User is redirect to the carrier's checkout experience and completes the flow.

  • 10. Infomedia sends a Welcome SMS to the customer if subscription was successful.

  • 11. Infomedia platform sends a subscription confirmation webhook/notification to the Partner.

  • 12. Infomedia redirects the customer to either the Success or the Error URL provided by the Partner.

  • 13. Partner gives the user access to their service if successful.

Charging a customer at renewal time:

  1. Once it is time to renew the customer's subscription, Infomedia or the Carrier's platform will automatically attempt to charge the customer.

  2. A Webhook will be sent to the Partner indicating the charging outcome.

Compliance SMS:

  1. Infomedia will automatically send Renewal or Reminder SMS to the customer as per the carrier and/or regulatory requirements.

Cancelling customer's subscription:

If a customer requests to unsubscribe via the Partner service:

  1. Partner calls SubscriptionUnsubscribe to unsubscribe from the Infomedia platform.

  2. Infomedia sends an Unsubscribe SMS to the customer.

If a customer unsubscribes via MO or Customer Services:

  1. Infomedia automatically unsubscribes the customer from the Infomedia platform and sends an Unsubscribe SMS to the customer.

  2. A Webhook will be sent to the Partner indicating the customer has unsubscribed.

Get Production access:

  1. Once you're happy with your Sandbox tests and you want Production access, sign in and go to Products and click on Production. Configure a 'subscription' just as you did for Sandbox. Give your subscription a relevant name, again you can change this later if required.

  2. Your Production subscription will be sent to Infomedia for approval. Once approved, you will have access to the production API. Click on the green 'Try It' button to test your request and see a response from any of the required production API methods. 
    Note: Your API access key will only be pre-populated after your Production subscription request has been approved by Infomedia.

  3. If you require any assistance, contact us on